Insight 5.7 release notes
Performance improvements on Insight import engine
We have focused on improving the performance on Insight imports in general. This means improved performance when identifying existing objects & updating references. We have also decreased the memory usage during the imports. We have seen some significant performance improvements and below are some statistics.
Other fixes in this release
- Fixes issue with MS SQL server and too old dates
- Fixes issue when the object type icon change is not reflected in all places
- Fixes issue where numeric values could not be filtered in basic search
- Fixes issue with imports and references with complex IQL (e.g. object having inboundReferences(objectType = x AND label = y))
- Fixes issue when unable to navigate to see the label templates
- Performance improvement on importing objects with a user attribute when the user attribute is identified by the user email
- Fixes issue with IQL function user() and group() not working as expected
- Fixes issue with IQL function connectedTickets()
- Fixed issue running Insight groovy scripts in post functions with external libraries
- Fixed issue in IQL with inbound & outbound references within an inherited structure or include children, resulting in an empty filter
- Fixed issue with success message twice when clone objects with create another checked
- Use the users timezone settings
- Truncate chars in custom fields if larger than 255 characters
- More accurate precision on float values
- Fixed group attribute values in export
- Added groovy http dependencies
- Fixed issue with import multi values
- Fixed issue with object search and numeric value followed by space
- Fixed issue with basic search not getting an exact match
- Fixed issue when cloning an object in an inheritance structure
- Fixed issue with basic search when username contains space
- Fixed issue with boolean value when cloning an object
- Fixed issue with Original Estimate-field in an Insight custom field placeholder
- Fixed automatic value in Insight Custom field from service desk portal
- Fixed browser cache issue when an attribute was removed
- Fixed issue with IQL date comparison
- Fixed issue with automation sending keys instead of readable values
- Fixed error message when creating predefined LDAP structure
- Fixed issue with displaying HTML-encoded values in customer portal
- Display license limitations in the UI when using Insight integrations
- Fixed issue showing inbound references with include children checked for object references
- Fixed issue with Insight custom fields resetting on transition and validation error
- Improved performance to load data locators for a large JSON file
- Fixed issue when importing objects referencing missing objects that are deleted
- Fixed issue with Insight reference custom fields clearing values on customer portal on changes
- Added error log message to import log
- Added error to progress result if post actions does not work in the imports
- Fixed response codes in attachment REST endpoint
- Fixed response codes in comment REST endpoint
- Fixed issue when using a hardcoded IQL mapping in imports
- Fixed issue with Jira Bulk Updates
- Fixed caching issue on avatar update
- Added history on object for Avatar changes
- Fixed issue when uploaded image didn't shows when printing labels for Insight developers/users
- Fixed issue when doing bulk operations in multiple web browser tabs
- Fixed issue with parsing Integer values
- Fixed performance issue with IQL and dates
- Fixed stop process issue in some stages
- Changed manual re-index for both clean and normal re-index
- Improved the performance on Insight custom fields.
- Improved IQL date comparison not matching Jira date format
- Added support for starting and monitor progress from facade
- Minor fixes
API changes
- Check index: We have changed the category name to insight-reindex instead of insight-clean-reindex: /rest/insight/1.0/progress/category/insight-reindex/reindex
- Changed some incorrect HTTP response codes from 500 to 400 in the REST api
- Changed the currentStepTotallWorkUnits to currentStepTotalWorkUnits in ongoing processes in the REST api
Removed JQL Functions
- Vi have removed the deprecated JQL functions "referencedObjects" and "objectType". Any usage of this JQL functions should be changed to "iqlFunction"
Below are some statistics about the performance improvements in release 5.7.0, compared to 5.6.2.
Scenario | Test number | Insight Version | vCPUs | Server Memory | Hdd | Parallelism | Database | Heap settings | GC | Number of Insight objects before import | Number of Insight objects after import | Include reference(s) | Total import time (ms) |
Import a discovery file with no objects in Insight before. 182 hosts. | 1 | 5.6.2 | 8 | 10 GB | 100 GB | 8 | Local PostgreSQL | -Xms8g -Xmx8g | Jira default | 0 | 23 162 | Yes | 1 764 653 |
Import a discovery file with no objects in Insight before. 182 hosts. | 2 | 5.6.2 | 8 | 10 GB | 100 GB | 4 | Local PostgreSQL | -Xms8g -Xmx8g | Jira default | 0 | 23 162 | Yes | 2 636 893 |
Import a discovery file with no objects in Insight before. 182 hosts. | 9 | 5.6.2 | 8 | 10 GB | 100 GB | 8 | Local PostgreSQL | -Xms4g -Xmx4g | Jira default | 0 | 23 162 | Yes | 3 438 190 |
Import a discovery file with no objects in Insight before. 182 hosts. | 14 | 5.7.0 | 8 | 10 GB | 100 GB | 8 | Local PostgreSQL | -Xms8g -Xmx8g | Jira default | 0 | 23 162 | Yes | 266 370 |
Import a discovery file with no objects in Insight before. 182 hosts. | 16 | 5.7.0 | 8 | 10 GB | 100 GB | 4 | Local PostgreSQL | -Xms8g -Xmx8g | Jira default | 0 | 23 162 | Yes | 343 005 |
Import a discovery file with no objects in Insight before. 182 hosts. | 18 | 5.7.0 | 8 | 10 GB | 100 GB | 16 | Local PostgreSQL | -Xms8g -Xmx8g | Jira default | 0 | 23 162 | Yes | 239 194 |
Import a CSV with already existing objects. 100 000 entries in CSV file. | 3 | 5.6.2 | 8 | 10 GB | 100 GB | 8 | Local PostgreSQL | -Xms8g -Xmx8g | Jira default | 23 162 | 123 162 | No | 285 256 |
Import a CSV with already existing objects. 100 000 entries in CSV file. References itself. | 4 | 5.6.2 | 8 | 10 GB | 100 GB | 8 | Local PostgreSQL | -Xms8g -Xmx8g | Jira default | 123 162 | 123 162 | Yes | 4 165 476 |
Import a CSV with already existing objects. 100 000 entries in CSV file. | 12 | 5.7.0 | 8 | 10 GB | 100 GB | 8 | Local PostgreSQL | -Xms8g -Xmx8g | Jira default | 23 162 | 123 162 | No | 270 457 |
Import a CSV with already existing objects. 100 000 entries in CSV file. References itself. | 13 | 5.7.0 | 8 | 10 GB | 100 GB | 8 | Local PostgreSQL | -Xms8g -Xmx8g | Jira default | 123 162 | 123 162 | Yes | 137 928 |
Import a CSV with already existing objects. 100 000 entries in CSV file. References itself. | 15 | 5.7.0 | 8 | 10 GB | 100 GB | 8 | Local PostgreSQL | -Xms8g -Xmx8g | Jira default | 22 981 | 122 981 | Yes | 395 854 |
Import a CSV with already existing objects. 100 000 entries in CSV file. References itself. | 17 | 5.7.0 | 8 | 10 GB | 100 GB | 4 | Local PostgreSQL | -Xms8g -Xmx8g | Jira default | 23 162 | 123 162 | Yes | 544 528 |
Import a CSV with already existing objects. 100 000 entries in CSV file. | 19 | 5.7.0 | 8 | 10 GB | 100 GB | 16 | Local PostgreSQL | -Xms8g -Xmx8g | Jira default | 23 162 | 123 162 | No | 240 277 |
Import a CSV with already existing objects. 100 000 entries in CSV file. References itself. | 20 | 5.7.0 | 8 | 10 GB | 100 GB | 16 | Local PostgreSQL | -Xms8g -Xmx8g | Jira default | 123 162 | 123 162 | Yes | 115 081 |
Before upgrading to Insight 5.7
Upgrade from Insight 4.x.
We strongly recommend that you review all your import configurations after you have upgraded to Insight 5 from Insight 4.
If your installation of Insight is configured with an Insight Discovery import you will have to do the following after you have installed Insight 5:
- Download and install version 2.x of Insight Discovery from Marketplace.
- Navigate to your Object Schema where your Insight Discovery import is configured and press Migrate Configuration.
- Verify the migrated import configuration.
If your installation of Insight is configured with a Tempo Account import you will have to do the following after you have installed Insight 5:
- Download and install Insight Tempo Integration from Marketplace.
- Navigate to your Object Schema where your Tempo import is configured and press Migrate Configuration.
- Verify the migrated import configuration.