Jira Software 9.10.x release notes

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Upgrading from 8.x to 9.x triggers full Jira reindex that causes some downtime during the process. If you’re on 8.x now, make sure you’ve estimated the downtime and set the best time for the upgrade.

Learn more about how to handle full reindex and estimate downtime


Read the upgrade notes for important info about this release and see the full list of issues resolved.

 Compatible applications

If you're looking for compatible Jira applications, look no further:

Good to know

If you're thinking of moving to Data Center, check our recommendations first. See: Infrastructure recommendations for Jira.

Search for projects and issue types in custom field contexts 

The UI for this feature is still a work in progress and to offer the best possible user experience, it is not currently available by default. To access the new functionality, turn on the jira.customfields.configure.modern.ui feature flag.

Learn how to enable dark features in Jira

On large instances with custom fields reused across numerous projects, finding the needed field contexts can take some time. Especially if you want to add or remove an issue type or project from the context, but don’t know exactly where they appear. To make this process more efficient, we’ve introduced the Projects and Issue types menus.

When you select a particular item in a menu, you’ll see the list of contexts it appears in. Keep in mind that the same project can’t appear in more than one context. Learn more about configuring contexts for custom fields

A custom field context that matches two projects selected in the Projects menu

Two custom field contexts that match issue types selected in the Issue types menu

The information in the Contexts table might vary depending on the field type.

Such columns as Context, Issue types, Projects, and Actions are always displayed for any custom field. However, if your field has specific customization or multiple properties, such information will be added as extra columns to the table.

Add linked issues to the existing ones with one click DATA CENTER

We’re introducing a new Create linked issue screen, an out-of-the-box solution for creating and editing linked issues between Jira Software projects or between Jira Software and Jira Service Management projects. This eliminates the need for complex workarounds with screen and field configurations.

For example, before the update, when you wanted to add a field to a linked issue, you’d need to add this field to the Create issue screen of the original issue in a current project. Then, in the field configuration, you’d need to set the field as required. Only after these steps, the desired field would appear on the Create linked issue screen.

To create a linked issue now, you just need to go to the More menu in an existing issue and select the Create linked issue option.

The linked issue screen will open with all the default and custom fields prepopulated with the latest values you’ve used when working on other issues. For example, if the last issue type you selected was a story, it’ll be preset in the Issue Type field of the new linked issue.

The fields in the linked issue automatically reflect the fields of a selected destination project. You can edit them on the Create linked issue screen as needed.

Create a linked issue

Accessibility fixes for low-vision and keyboard-only users DATA CENTER

We’re bringing more accessibility updates for screen reader and keyboard-only users. The highlights for this release include an improved label description in the Kanban board and fixed navigation when creating an issue.

Check out the full list of fixed issues

The Text gadget is planned for deprecation in Jira 9.11

In Jira 9.11, we will deprecate the Text gadget for dashboards and introduce the Rich Text gadget instead. The Rich Text gadget will use the rich text editor instead of the plaintext area in edit mode. This will eliminate a potential security risk posed by a possible arbitrary HTML that the Text gadget might contain.

The Text gadget doesn’t allow links that have your instance name as a hostname to be opened in new tabs. These links will be opened inside the gadget.

This behavior is caused by the sanitization method that we temporarily apply to the content in the gadget. The sanitization prevents XSS vulnerabilities.

You can disable the sanitization by disabling the following feature flag:


More updates in Jira Software for Mobile

  • Thanks to optional pre-login backend validation, you can log in to previously unavailable instances of Jira Software for Mobile without any connection or compatibility errors. As a Jira administrator, you don’t need to configure any additional setup.

  • If you’re using Jira Software for Mobile on an iOS device, you can now attach files not only to the Description field in issues but also to issue comments.

Supported platforms DATA CENTER

In Jira 9.10, we’re adding support for:

Learn more about supported platforms

Resolved issues

Issues resolved in 9.10.0

Released on 11 July 2023

T Key Summary Status

Issues resolved in 9.10.1

Released on 3 August 2023

T Key Summary Status

Issues resolved in 9.10.2

Released on 20 September 2023

T Key Summary Status

Last modified on Nov 9, 2023

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