Configuring a test task

Test tasks in Bamboo parse test data, and may run tests, using a particular testing framework.

Please note:

  • Java builder tasks in Bamboo (e.g. Maven) parse test information as part of the task. You do not need to configure a test task, if you have specified that test results will be produced as part of the builder task. However, you can configure a builder task to not produce test results and use a test task to parse the test data instead. For example, you may want to set up one JUnit Parser task to parse test data for a number of Maven tasks after they have executed.
  • .Net builder tasks in Bamboo (e.g. NAnt) do not parse test information as part of the task. You must configure a test task (e.g. NUnit Parser), if you want test results from the builder task to be parsed.



See the following pages for more information on configuring specific test tasks:

Community test task plugins

There are numerous test task plugins available on the Atlassian Marketplace. These plugins are unsupported by Atlassian for the time being but the source code has been made freely available.

Bamboo pluginTesting frameworkLanguages and PlatformsSupported by Atlassian?Source codeIssue tracking adding official support
Bamboo Xcode TaskOCUnitObjective-C, Apple iOS, Cocoa and Mac OS XNOAvailable on Bitbucket BAM-6149 - Provide official support for the Bamboo Xcode plugin Closed
Bamboo Ruby PluginRSpecRubyNOAvailable on Github BAM-12328 - Jira project doesn't exist or you don't have permission to view it.
Bamboo CppUnit TaskCppUnitC++NOAvailable on Bitbucket BAM-7839 - Support the CppUnit task plugin Gathering Interest
Last modified on May 23, 2018

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