Using stages in a plan
A stage:
- By default has a single job but can be used to group multiple jobs.
- Processes its jobs in parallel, on multiple agents (where available).
- Must successfully complete all its jobs before the next stage in the plan can be processed.
- May produce artifacts that can be made available for use by a subsequent stage.
Each new plan created in Bamboo contains at least one stage (for the default job) and is known as the Default stage. Stages can only be configured by Bamboo administrators.
Types of stages in Bamboo
Normal stage
The normal stage must successfully complete all its jobs before the next stage in the plan can be run. If a normal stage is not run successfully, the following normal stage can't be run.
Manual stage
A user has to trigger this type of stage manually to run it.
Final stage
The final stage is run regardless of whether previously run stages were successful or not.