Bitbucket Data Center and Server 7.15 release notes

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Control what happens with source branches when merging a pull request


Avoid accidental deletion of source branches when merging a pull request using the new default option for (1) Branch deletion on merge. We’ve renamed the ‘Branching model’ page to ‘Branches’ and added this option with the default set to Off. This means that the Delete after merging setting will be defaulted to not delete the source branch when users merge a pull request.

From the project or repository settings, admins can determine whether they want to set the default to On or Off. Users can still change or override the setting in the Merge pull request dialog.

Renamed branches page with new default

Analyze your pull request activity over time


We’re continuing to improve the data pipeline, which allows you to export Bitbucket data for analysis in your favorite business intelligence tool.

Export pull request activity

To help you dive even deeper into your data, we now export historical pull request data. The new pull request activity file contains the information you see in the Activity section of the pull request overview tab.

Here's an example...

Let’s say a pull request has a status of ‘Merged’ on the day an export is performed.

The Pull requests file will contain a single row for this pull request, with the current details such as the status ‘Merged'. It’s a snapshot of the pull request at a point in time.

The Pull request activity file will contain a row for every change to the pull request, including when the pull request was created, when comments were added, when it was approved and so on. It represents all the activity on the pull request during the export period.

Changes that happened before the scope of the export (before the fromDate, or more than 12 months ago if you did not set a fromDate) are not included.

Exporting the pull request activity for all pull requests will increase the export duration. If you don’t need this data, you can also choose to exclude it.

Learn more about the data pipeline

What else is new?

  • You can now create a new repository directly from Administration   > Repositories > Create repository.

  • Since Bitbucket 7.0, pull request diffs wrap lines that are too long, removing the need for horizontal scrolling. You can now disable word wrapping in the unified diff from the Diff view settings

Get ready to upgrade

Before upgrading from an earlier version, check out our upgrade guide and upgrade matrix. Remember to renew your active software maintenance license too. 

Renew Bitbucket now

As part of our new pull request experience from version 7.0 and higher, we have created a collection of new features for you to check out on one page, Enhancements to your code review workflow.

Change log

Resolved issues in Bitbucket Server 7.15.3

Released 15 December 2021 

T Key Summary

Resolved issues in Bitbucket Server 7.15.2

Released 22 November 2021 

T Key Summary

Resolved issues in Bitbucket Server 7.15.1

Released 9 August 2021 

T Key Summary

Resolved issues in Bitbucket Server 7.15

Released 27 July 2021 

T Key Summary

Last modified on Dec 16, 2021

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