Jira Core 7.12.x release notes

Jira Core release notes

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27 August 2018
We're pleased to present Jira Core 7.12.


Interested in trying a shiny new version? Don't forget to renew your active software maintenance! Renew now.

Read the upgrade notes for important info about this release and see the full list of issues resolved

Compatible applications

If you're looking for compatible Jira applications, look no further:

New look and feel of the Custom fields page

To improve Jira performance and make the Custom fields page easier to read, we've introduced pagination. Now, instead of browsing a long list of all custom fields, you can enjoy them in page by page. Additionally, the linked contexts and screens are no longer presented in a list but nested under a hyperlink in separate pop-ups. To help you find what you need faster, we've also added quick search to the page. 

If you're a Jira admin, go ahead and check it out at  > Fields > Custom fields.

Share edit rights for filters and dashboards

We all (heart) filters here, as they let you quickly display popular search results, and share them with other team members. Until now, however, making any changes to filters that you didn’t create was virtually impossible (or required a lot of little filter clones).

Answering the call of our users, we’ve added new permissions to filters—now, you can choose viewers and editors of your filters, allowing your team to make any changes they need, whenever they need them. At first, we wanted to stop at that, but hey, dashboards are only a tab away from filters, so we brought these changes there too! 

Resolved issues

Issues resolved in 7.12.0

Released on 27 August 2018

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

Issues resolved in 7.12.1

Released on 5 September 2018

Key Summary T Status

Issues resolved in 7.12.2

Released on 19 September 2018, removed on 21 September 2018

This release has been removed because of this bug, and should not be used.

If you have already installed it, have a look at upgrade notes where we described extra steps you need to complete after the Apache Tomcat upgrade.

Issues resolved in 7.12.3

Released on 12 October 2018

Key Summary T Status

Last modified on Dec 31, 2018

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