Jira Core 8.5.x release notes

Jira Core release notes

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21 October 2019

We're pleased to present Jira Core 8.5.



Interested in trying a shiny new version? Don't forget to renew your active software maintenance! Renew now.

Compatible applications

If you're looking for compatible Jira applications, look no further:

 Good to know

If you're planning to upgrade to Jira 8.5.x, we advise upgrading to version 8.5.2 or later as several known issues have been fixed in this version. 

Distribute the Jira Server mobile app to managed devices 

You can now distribute the Jira Server mobile app to your team using your Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution. This is great if you need to restrict the app to company-approved devices, or a particular set of users.

If your MDM solution supports the AppConfig standard, you can also save your users time and prevent mistakes by pre-populating your site URL in the app. Got a lot of sites? No problem, you can pre-populate multiple site URLs. Logging in has never been easier. Learn more

New check available in ATST

In the recent version of the Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools plugin, we've introduced the Explicit garbage collection check. It checks that you’re using the recommended JVM startup parameters for explicit garbage collection (GC). If this isn’t configured correctly, it can cause performance issues. This check will start automatically if you manually update the ATST app to 1.20.0.  Learn more

Resolved issues

Last modified on Jun 23, 2020

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