Jira Core 8.16.x upgrade notes

Jira Core release notes

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Here are some important notes on upgrading to Jira Core 8.16.

For details on the new features and improvements in this release, see the Jira Core 8.16.x release notes

 Upgrade notes

Changes to the web.xml file

As mentioned in the Jira 8.15 upgrade notes, we've made changes to the web.xml file while working on improvements for image attachments. These changes affect paths to servlets responsible for attachments, and it's important that you use the new web.xml file (by copying your modifications to it) after upgrading. Otherwise, Jira will look for old servers and attachments won't be displayed. Read more about a related issue

Known vulnerability in the BKS-V1 keystore format

If you’re running Jira over SSL, we’d like to bring your attention to a security vulnerability of the BKS-V1 keystore format, provided by the BouncyCastle library. We strongly recommend that you don’t use it in your Jira instance. Learn more

 End of support announcements

  • Advance notice: We're deprecating PostgreSQL 9.6, and plan to remove it in Jira 8.19.

For the list of supported platforms, see Supported platforms.

 App developers

See Preparing for Jira 8.16 for any important changes regarding apps.

 Upgrade procedure

Upgrading from a Jira version 8.x.x? 

See  Upgrading Jira applications  for complete upgrade procedures, including all available upgrade methods and pre-upgrade steps.

Last modified on Mar 17, 2021

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