User List Macro

Add the User List macro to a page to display a list of Confluence users, in a particular group. The macro can also indicate when users are online or offline. 

This is a legacy macro, and can cause performance issues in very large sites. We recommend you don't use this macro to attempt to show all users in a site.

On this page:

Screenshot: A page containing two User List macros.


The User List macro can be quite memory hungry in sites with lots of users.  To prevent it causing out of memory errors in your site, we don't show this macro if there are more than 10,000 people in the groups specified. Your administrator can change this limit using the confluence.extra.userlister.limit system property.

Add this macro to your page

To add the User List macro to a page:

  1. Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.
  2. Choose User List from the Confluence content category.
  3. Enter the group you want to display.
  4. Choose Insert

You can then publish your page to see the macro in action. 

Screenshot: Configuring the User List macro to show the members of a group. 

Change the macro parameters

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include'

User 'null' does not have permission to view the page.

Here's a list of the parameters available in this macro. 






Specify the group name. Specify multiple groups separated by a comma, or use * to show all users in Confluence.

See this knowledge base page for more information about controlling which users can see the details of other users.

Display Online/Offline Users

All registered users

List online or offline users. Leave blank to show all users, irrespective of status.

Accepted values:

  • Unspecified – The macro will show all registered users.
  • true – The macro will show only online users.
  • false – The macro will show only offline users.

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include'

User 'null' does not have permission to view the page.

Other ways to add this macro

Add this macro as you type

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Add this macro using wiki markup

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Macro name: userlister

Macro body: None.

Last modified on Jun 16, 2020

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