- How to configure proxy support for Subversion repositories
- Repository Will Not Start Due To "Bad file format"
- Cannot View Lines of Code Information in Fisheye
- Close JIRA Issues when Fixing Jobs in Perforce
- User hijacking problem that occurs along with number format exception
- Running Out Of Disk Space As Fisheye tmp Directory Gets Full
- Application fails to start with FileLockedExternallyException - Cannot lock file in exclusive mode - already in use
- Fisheye Fails to Start After License Upgrade
- How to start Fisheye and Crucible at boot time
- Unable to Fetch from Remote Repository
- Search fails with error - Can't associate project project-name-here with entityId PROJECT-NAME-HERE
- Defining your own syntax highlighting in Crucible or Fisheye
- Admin Console Not Showing
- Upgrading a Bundled System Plugin
- Rename user breaks the dashboard
- Fisheye Does Not Start Due To Lock Files, fisheye.lck, write.lock
- Calculate Lines of Code Metric For SVN Branches
- Could not execute JDBC batch update - SQL Error 1598, SQLState HY000
- Fisheye fails to start up with unable to clean the cache directory and unable to delete file messages
- Impossible to drill down into subpackages on a Java/Grails application
- Getting You do not have permission to see all the search results error when attempting to view all open reviews
- Backup & Restore Procedure for a single repository
- Hidden text behind the left navigation panel on Fisheye 2.7.12
- Configuring Fisheye to Rotate the Console Log File
- How to create a Fisheye/Crucible individual file for each log level
- Login fails due to Requested array size exceeds VM limit error
- Disabling the repository limit in Quick Search
- How to add several repositories to one project in Crucible
- Obtaining monthly data of review creation
- Creating new project fails due to java.lang.NullPointerException error
- Uploading a patch file fails with 'Unrecognised diff format' error
- Changing repository polling interval
- Remove the Projects Link when using Fisheye Standalone 2.7.X (without Crucible)
- Adding git repo fails due to Permission denied error
- Missing Fonts
- Sending email from Fisheye fails due to 501 Syntax: HELO hostname error
- Commit Notifications Send Out Notifications Not for the Latest but the One Before that Commit
- Startup Reports "Unexpected error decoding stored license: Disabled"
- Repository Settings Page Fails With "500 The call failed on the server"
- Crucible project can't be viewed due to wrong permissions
- Unresolved constraint in bundle - Fisheye fails to start
- Configure syntax highlighting for non-standard file extensions
- svn: E215003: Host key can not be verified
- Anon Access Forbidden
- Application Link is Broken - Received status code 500 - Internal Server Error
- Changing a Fisheye User's Password
- Unable to upgrade from version 1.6.6 to version 2.8.0
- patchgeneric.sql Fails to Help Upgrading Fisheye from Version 1.6.6 to Version 2.8.0
- errorjava.lang.IllegalArgumentException: duplicate key
- Connecting Fisheye to JIRA User Management
- Bulk Editing Polling Interval for Repositories
- Cannot view the 'Source' tab from within JIRA
- Fisheye/Crucible fails to start up due to "The system cannot find the file specified"
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
- Plugin manager won't update
- Unable to determine author for changeset XXXXX in repository REPO_NAME - no review will be created or updated
- ERROR - Exception "null" (java.lang.NumberFormatException) while processing "<file path>" (Referer:"null")
- Notification not working
- Commit Graph is blank with IE
- REST API: "Error 415 Unsupported Media Type"
- Data aggregation truncated due to timeout
- Error when creating Support Zip
- NullPointerException is thrown when trying to change Crucible project key
- Indexed paths truncated at 10000
- Cannot use other mail address to send emails
- Application or Repository Start fails - Bad Cell format: bad type byte: 2
- java.lang.NullPointerException when trying to view source
- Failed Repository Index due to ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
- 500 Error Page When Logging Into Fisheye/Crucible
- How to change how much information is written in fisheye.out
- Application logs warning message - Crucible State (Deleted) not defined
- Fisheye Logs Report org.mortbay.jetty.EofException
- Can't create Support Zip or send support request
- libgcc_s.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
- Using pre-commit python script in PowerPC
- Fisheye/Crucible fails to start with SSL - Cannot recover key
- Fisheye/Crucible unable to startup due to duplicate repository
- Fisheye/Crucible stopped with InfinityDB exception
- Unable to view a review - query did not return a unique result: 2
- Can't login with JIRA User Management
- Unable to login with Host-based Authentication in Windows
- Adding files to a review fails - Cannot perform the requested action - You cannot perform this action because reviews are limited to 800 file revisions in Crucible
- Fisheye fails to start - Error reading application
- java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError while trying to View File History
- Could not create directory when creating backups stored on mounted NFS
- Incorrect repository URL used after changing URL in SCM Details
- During Startup: 'Name or service not known' Error Captured In The Logs
- Review email notifications not being sent
- Mail Server Connection Failed With 'java.net.SocketException: Permission denied: connect.' Exception
- Email Notifications Not Being Sent
- Captcha image not visible
- IIS rewrite rule when committer name contains backslashes
- Fisheye states 'Your maintenance has expired, you will need to extend the maintenance on you license to upgrade' - but the license is still valid.
- Path does not exist when accessing filename or path that contains a plus character
- Fisheye TimeoutException after 20000ms banner
- SSL received a weak ephemeral Diffie-Hellman key reported by Chrome and Firefox
- Blank Admin Page
- The crucible.py script returns the "[Errno 104] Connection reset by peer" error
- Fisheye email notifications are not sent due to 552 5.3.4 Error: message file too big
- Selecting a changeset results in an error in the UI in Fisheye Crucible - Your request was unable to be processed java.lang.NullPointerException
- Fisheye returns a 413 request entity too large or 414 Request-URI Too Large
- Search in Marketplace failed due to "missing required JSON property: href"
- Problems Sending Email from Fisheye/Crucible - 501 Command "HELO" requires an argument
- TypeError: this.ui.items.auiSelect2 is not a function
- Fisheye does not start due to "IndexFormatTooOldException: Format version is not supported "
- Users cannot be found in Users list and ACTIVE flag for users set to F in the database
- Captchas give random symbols instead of letters
- crucible.py returns Failed to get a patch. Please make sure to call the script from an SCM directory with local changes, or pipe in some input
- How To Estimate FishEye Repository Index
- Search does not return expected results
- The element type "meta" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</meta>"
- Disk quota exceeded with AWS EFS
- Fisheye fails to start up with FileNotFoundException and permission denied errors
- Unable to start fisheye with error "Failed to move old encoded content directory"
- Failed Requests on Fisheye Crucible Instance Behind Proxy: 'Additional XSRF Checks Failed' WARN messages
- Fisheye Crucible Failed 'Copy User on Login' Delegated LDAP Issue : Exceeded Maximum Login Attempts for a new User
- Fisheye/Crucible Analytics Client Plugin can't be enabled
Last modified on Jun 6, 2012
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