Bamboo 6.3 upgrade notes

Bamboo release notes

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We’ve collected some important notes on upgrading to Bamboo 6.3. For details on all the new features and improvements we’ve introduced in this release, see the Bamboo 6.3 release notes.

Upgrade notes

Here’s some important information you should know about before upgrading.

Change to the built-in database

Starting with Bamboo 6.3, the built-in HSQL database is replaced by H2. If you store any data in HSQL and want to keep it after the upgrade, you must export the data to XML and import back after you've installed the new version of Bamboo. See: 

The H2 database is fine for evaluation purposes but is somewhat susceptible to data loss during system crashes. For production environments we recommend that you configure Bamboo to use an external database.

Changes to supported platforms

This release of Bamboo does not introduce any changes to supported platforms. For more information about what the latest stable release of Bamboo supports, see Supported platforms .

How to upgrade Bamboo

See the Bamboo upgrade guide for a complete walk-through of the upgrade process that includes descriptions of all the available upgrade paths, prerequisites, and methods.

Last modified on Jan 19, 2023

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