Bamboo 9.1 upgrade notes

Bamboo release notes

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We’ve collected some important notes on upgrading to Bamboo 9.1. For details on all the new features and improvements we’ve introduced in this release, see the Bamboo 9.1 release notes .

Upgrade notes

Here’s some important information you should know about before upgrading.

Bamboo now supports Bitbucket Data Center and Server 7.5 or newer only

In this release, we fixed a bug where restarting Bamboo while a build triggered from Bitbucket Data Center or Server was still running resulted in the build status in Bitbucket getting stuck in In progress indefinitely. However, the fix increases the minimum release of Bitbucket Data Center and Server supported by Bamboo.

From now on, Bamboo can integrate with Bitbucket Data Center and Server 7.5 or newer only. If you’re running an older release of Bitbucket Data Center or Server, consider upgrading your Bitbucket instance before upgrading to Bamboo 9.1.

Support for Large File Storage (LFS) files in Bamboo Specs is deprecated

In Bamboo 9.1, we’ve deprecated support for LFS files in Bamboo Specs and we’ll remove support for them entirely in Bamboo 9.3. As a result, Bamboo will process Specs much faster in source code repositories with the LFS extension enabled, even if you didn’t use LFS in your Specs before.

The SCP task no longer creates multiple nested artifact subdirectories

We’ve fixed a known bug that caused the SCP task to create too many nested artifact subdirectories. Now, the SCP task has full control over the artifact download location and no longer depends on the artifact subscription download path. However, this means that your artifacts may be downloaded to a different location than previously.

Changes to supported platforms

See what changes are in store for the supported platforms in Bamboo. For more information about what the latest stable release of Bamboo supports, see Supported platforms.

End-of-support announcements

In this release, we’re deprecating Java 8. Because that version of Java reached end-of-life in March 2022, we’re planning to remove support for it in a future release of Bamboo.

New supported platforms

This release of Bamboo doesn't add support for any new software platforms.

How to upgrade Bamboo

See the Bamboo upgrade guide for a complete walk-through of the upgrade process that includes descriptions of all the available upgrade paths, prerequisites, and methods.

Last modified on Oct 17, 2023

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