Bamboo 2.1 upgrade guide

Bamboo release notes

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Upgrading from Bamboo 2.0 to 2.1

It is strongly recommended that you back up your xml-data directory before proceeding. For full instructions please follow the Bamboo upgrade guide.

If you are using plugins, please make sure that your plugins are compile against 2.1 before upgrading.

Please also note the following important points:

1. Reindex during upgrade

Please note that Bamboo will reindex when attempting to upgrade. For large instances this may take several hours.
We strongly recommend that you do not upgrade during critical time periods for your development environment.

2. Database changes

Please note that during the upgrade, Bamboo will automatically remove the table BUILDRESULTSUMMARY_JIRAISSUE and replace it with BRS_LINKEDJIRAISSUES. No user intervention is required.

3. Issues upgrading Bamboo to version 2.1 with an Oracle database

There is an issue upgrading Bamboo with an Oracle database to Bamboo 2.1. Please upgrade to Bamboo 2.1.1, which contains the fix for this problem - read the release notes and upgrade guide for further details.

4. Bamboo Developers — Changes for 2.1

If you are a Bamboo developer, please take note of the changes described in Changes for Bamboo 2.1 when upgrading to 2.1.

Upgrading from Bamboo prior to 2.0

In addition to the above, please read the upgrade guide for every version you are skipping during the upgrade. 

Please ensure that you read the Bamboo 2.0 upgrade guide which contains important upgrade instructions for upgrading from earlier versions of Bamboo.

Last modified on Dec 21, 2022

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