Bamboo 9.5 release notes

Bamboo release notes

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January 2024

We’re proud to present Bamboo 9.5.

Starting from version 9.5, new releases of Bamboo will be available only to Data Center customers. Learn what this means for you

Take some time and read through the release notes to learn what we've prepared for you this time. Swing by the Bamboo 9.5 upgrade notes to check for any breaking changes if you plan to upgrade and don’t forget to check out the full list of resolved issues .

Bamboo 9.5.1

Release date:  

Here's what's new in Bamboo 9.5.1:

Monitor cluster state replication

Upgrade to Bamboo 9.5.1 to make use of cluster state replication monitoring. Statistics are now written into the main log file. They show the details of state replication, like the size of the local queue or the most frequently used event types.

Learn more about monitoring cluster state replication

Installing apps with the Universal Plugin Manager

The Universal Plugin Manager (UPM) allows installing Atlassian and third-party apps in Bamboo and other Data Center products in three ways:

  • with the Upload app button on the Manage apps page where you provide a URL to the app or upload a file with the app
  • with the REST API (/rest/plugins)
  • with the Install button on the Find new apps page

In Bamboo Data Center 9.5.1, you can install new apps only by selecting the Install button on the Find new apps page. Installing new apps with the Upload app button on the Manage apps page or with the REST API is now disabled by default. This limitation prevents unwanted uploads of potentially malicious files to your Bamboo instance.

If you need to enable app installation with the Upload app button on the Manage apps page or with the REST API, set the following system property:


Learn how to set system properties

Bamboo 9.5.0

Release date:

Here's what's new in Bamboo 9.5.0:

Gain higher availability with warm standby clustered deployments

In this release, we’ve upgraded the Bamboo clustering architecture by introducing warm standby. Bamboo will now keep all your secondary Data Center nodes running and up-to-date with the primary node at all times, allowing them to take over operations in a matter of seconds.

Learn more about clustering with Bamboo Data Center

If you're already using Bamboo Data Center in a cold standby cluster configuration, you’ll need to migrate to the new warm standby configuration before starting Bamboo 9.5.0 for the first time after the upgrade. Learn how to migrate to a warm standby clustering configuration

Secure database credentials with AWS Secrets Manager and HashiCorp Vault

This release offers additional options for securing your database password. Instead of hard-coding credentials, you can now use AWS Secrets Manager to securely store and retrieve your password at runtime. Another option is to authenticate with Vault using HashiCorp tokens through V2 of the HashiCorp KV Secret Engine or Kubernetes Service Account Tokens.

Learn how to configure Bamboo with:

Spruce up your profile with a custom avatar

Bamboo now has native support for custom avatars. Upload a custom image to add a little more flair to your profile and make it easier for others on your team to recognize and connect with you visually.

Learn how to change your avatar in Bamboo

Known issues

This section contains information about any issues that we’ve discovered in our testing. We’re constantly keeping an eye out and if we find anything, we’ll let you know right here.

Change detection fails for SVN+SSH repositories

Due to an incompatibility between SVNKit and Apache Mina SSHD 2.10.0 and later, Bamboo can't check out code from SVN repositories over SSH. We're working on fixing this issue in an upcoming bug fix release.

As a temporary workaround, change your Subversion repository settings by replacing the SSH URL with an equivalent HTTP SVN address. For information on how to do this, see Subversion.

BAM-25657 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Bamboo 9.5.0 is incompatible with Docker Engine 25

Repository-stored Bamboo Specs don’t work with Docker Engine 25 in Bamboo 9.5.0. We've delivered a fix for this issue in Bamboo 9.5.1.

BAM-25646 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Resolved issues

Scroll through the list of the issues we’ve resolved throughout the lifecycle of Bamboo 9.5.

Issues resolved in Bamboo 9.5.4
Released on

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Issues resolved in Bamboo 9.5.3
Released on

The resolution to issue BAM-25739 prevents Bitbucket Cloud triggering Bamboo builds using webhooks as an anoynmous user. To allow it, grant the View global permission to the Anonymous users or select Allow anonymous users to trigger remote repository change detection and Bamboo Specs detection on the Security administration page.

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Issues resolved in Bamboo 9.5.2
Released on  

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Issues resolved in Bamboo 9.5.1
Released on

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Issues resolved in Bamboo 9.5.0
Released on

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Last modified on Apr 29, 2024

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