Global Reports Macro
Add the Global Reports macro to a page for access to several feeds that can help you stay on top of new content in your site.
This is a legacy macro and is no longer fully functional. However, the link to new or updated pages since your last login can be quite useful.
Screenshot: The Global Reports macro
Add this macro to your page
To add the Global Reports macro to a page:
- Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.
- Choose Global Reports from the Reporting category.
- Choose Insert.
You can then publish your page to see the macro in action.
Change the macro parameters
Here's a list of the parameters available in this macro.
Parameter | Default | Description |
Width of Table | 99% | Specify the width of the table in which the links are displayed, as a percentage of the window width. |
Other ways to add this macro
Add this macro as you type
Add this macro using wiki markup
Macro name: global-reports
Macro body: None.