Bamboo 4.0 Release Notes
Bamboo 5.7 has been released! See the new features in the Bamboo 5.7 release notes and read the Bamboo upgrade guide.
27 March 2012
Upgrading to Bamboo 4.0 is free for all customers with active Bamboo software maintenance.
Highlights of this release:
Thank you for your feedback:
55 new features and improvements implemented
106 votes fulfilled
Please keep logging your votes and issues. They help us decide what needs doing, and are much appreciated!
Upgrading to Bamboo 4.0
You can download Bamboo from the Atlassian website. If upgrading from a previous version, please read the Bamboo 4.0 Upgrade Guide.
Automatically Build Branches
Git and Mercurial have made creating and merging branches extremely fast and easy, allowing developers to work on features, bug fixes and other improvements without conflicts. In the past, most continuous integration systems were configured to only build the 'master' or mainline branch, not the branch where the developer is actually working. This left the developer and their team uncertain if the branch changes actually worked or not.
Now, with Plan Branches, Bamboo can build branches without having to duplicate the build configuration for each branch. You can have Bamboo watch Git and Mercurial repositories and create plan branches automatically when a developer creates a branch. This allows feedback on changes without the hassle of manually configuring a new build for every branch.
Automatically Merge Branches using Gatekeeper and Branch Updater
Remove integration uncertainty in your build when developing on Git and Mercurial branches. With our new support for automatic merging, Bamboo provides two methods to automatically test and merge your code on every change to ensure that your branch will integrate perfectly when it's time to merge your changes.
Using the Gatekeeper model, Bamboo automatically merges work on a feature branch back into trunk and pushes it if the build passes. This is great for teams who are working on bug fixes on a separate branch or small features that can be included in the project as soon as they are completed.
The Branch Updater model, Bamboo automatically merges work from another specified branch into the current branch. This works fabulously for situations where a branch needs to be kept up to date with changes from master or another branch.
Manage Build Failures by Quarantining Intermittent Tests
Broken Window Theory: breakages that are left visible tend to invite further destruction and neglect.
Fans of "Freakonomics" know about theThe world of software is no different. Builds with flaky or ever-failing tests tend to fall into severe decay because breakages become the norm. That's why teams adopt the discipline of either fixing the problem right away, or pulling the test out. But if the test was worth writing, it's worth keeping tabs on, and Bamboo's new Quarantine feature makes that easy.
Simply hit the Quarantine button next to a failing test and let Bamboo do the dirty work. Not only that, but you'll see the count of Quarantined tests in every build result as a reminder to reincorporate them into your build. Gone are the days of commenting out test code or manually updating test suite configuration files.
Fresh New User Experience
Springtime means spring cleaning, so we've freshened up the UI in Bamboo 4.0. Don't want to see the Plan Navigator all the time? Toggle it hidden or shown to keep content-packed pages free of clutter and easy to read.
On the Plan Summary pages, you'll notice that the Plan Statistics panel has undergone a facelift. And just under that, you'll find a list of all branches for the plan, complete with build status indicators!
History buffs and stats junkies alike will rejoice in the new build history bar on the plan detail and configuration pages that shows the status of the last 10 builds. Hover your mouse over any indicator to see the build number, what triggered the build and whether any tests failed.
Plus Over 100 Fixes and Improvements
The top 10 issues by votes are shown below. Please refer to our public JIRA site to see the full list of fixes and improvements in this release of Bamboo.
The Bamboo 4.0 Team
Core Team
Brydie McCoy
Jason Berry
Marek Went
Krystian Brazulewicz
Przemek Bruski
Marcin Gardias
Piotr Stefan Stefaniak
Nathan Wilson
Team Lead
Mark Chaimungkalanont
Project Manager
Anton Mazkovoi
Ajay Sridhar
Armen Khachatryan
Daniel Rohan
Douglas Fabretti
Felipe Kraemer
Gurleen Anand
Renan Battaglin
Rene Verschoor
Zed Yap
Product Management
Jens Schumacher
James Dumay
Product Marketing
Giancarlo Lionetti
Sarah Goff-Dupont
Jeff Park
Technical Writing
Paul Watson
James Fleming