Jira Software 8.4.x release notes


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 Compatible applications

If you're looking for compatible Jira applications, look no further:

 Good to know

8.5 is our next Enterprise release. See: Next Jira Enterprise release.

If you're thinking to move to Data Center, check our recommendations first. See: Infrastructure recommendations for Jira.

Issue archiving taken to the next level (Data Center)

We've expanded on the issue archiving capabilities! Now, if you open your list of archived issues in Issues > Archived issues, you can browse archived issues using a selection of filters. In this way, you can quickly find the issues you need. You can filter your issues by, for example, Reporter, Archive date, or Archiver. You can also easily export all or selected issues from the Archived issues page. 

To be able to browse all archived issues, you need the Browse Archive global permission. However, you can also have the Browse Project Archive permission that allows you to browse archived issues that belong to a specific project. 

Additionally, system administrators can easily export archived issues to a CSV file. 

For more information, see Archiving an issue.

Better email notifications, right from the start

Back in Jira 8.0, we’ve introduced batched email notifications that group all those little events occurring close together into summary emails, just to give your mailbox some breathing space. Now, after adding some improvements and letting you choose the frequency of summary emails, we’re making these notifications the default ones, for everybody. Learn more about notifications

An important note — batched notifications bring some changes for users who have customized how their notifications look. If you’re one of them, make sure to read all about it in our upgrade notes.

Filters in Multi User picker Custom field

In response to user requests, we've made it possible to limit the multi user picker custom field to hold only specific set of users. This is to prevent sending notifications to random users as a result of mistyping user names. This adds to the overall security of issues.  

For more on the issue, see JRASERVER-36833.

External links open in a new tab

Now, you do not need to right-click every time you want an external link that's added to a Jira issue to open in a new tab in your browser. We've made this option default for external links. However, if you like all links to open in the same tab, you can easily change this in  YourUserProfile > Profile > Preferences > External links.

Jira becomes more accessible

We’ve taken on the task of making Jira more compliant with the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) report that Atlassian released a few months back. To make it happen, we’ve fixed color contrast of inaccessible elements, added labels for UI elements to be picked up by screen readers, and made sure you can add comments with a keyboard shortcut.

A large number of versions is OK for boards

Now, even if you have a large number of open versions, your Jira is safe and no boards get broken. 

Time tracking in bulk edit

Add time tracking information to issues when you edit them in bulk without using Jira REST API to do that. You can simply provide the Original and Remaining estimate when you edit multiple issues or when you resolve issues using bulk issue transition (and time tracking is on the resolution screen).

This is a great time saver as you do not need to correct or add time estimates by going through issues one by one. 

 Open links in your mobile app

To help you navigate between pages, you can go directly from a link, for example in an email notification, to the app. If you do not have the app yet, clicking the link will take you to the app download page in Play store (only for Android). Simply click the Open in app button that displays in mobile web.

Jira (heart) Docker

We’ve created official templates for deploying Jira Server and Data Center in a Docker container, joining the ranks of other Atlassian applications, like Confluence, Bamboo, or Bitbucket. Have a try and quickly spin a Jira instance with our template, or customize a Docker deployment on your own! The templates are available for Jira 8.0 and later. Learn more

New supported databases

We’re welcoming new databases to our family — Oracle 18c and 19c. Learn more

Additionally, we’re adding support for Aurora PostgreSQL for Jira Data Center. 

Resolved issues

Issues resolved in 8.4.0

Released on 9 September 2019

T Key Summary Status

Issues resolved in 8.4.1

Released on 16 September 2019

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

Issues resolved in 8.4.2

Released on 2 October 2019

T Key Summary Status Security Level

Issues resolved in 8.4.3

Released on 8 November 2019

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

Last modified on Feb 23, 2021

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