JIRA 4.1 Release Notes

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April 7, 2010

The Atlassian JIRA team is delighted to present a brand new version of one of the world's favourite issue-trackers.

This release makes your JIRA experience easier and more convenient than ever. The issue UI has been redesigned for a simpler, friendlier experience, and keyboard shortcuts have been streamlined. Issues can now be actioned directly from your dashboard via a handy dropdown in the gadgets. Each issue's attachments are now displayed in an image gallery, and can all be downloaded to a single ZIP file with just one click.

The installation process has been improved by the inclusion of industry standard database drivers and a GUI database configuration tool, and JIRA Standalone is now being shipped with Tomcat 6.0.20.

JIRA 4.1 also addresses some other enhancements and fixes, notably a fix to the 'Malformed security token' error appearing in gadgets on the JIRA 4.0 dashboard.

JIRA Plugin Developers:

If you develop JIRA plugins, please refer to our guide on updating JIRA plugins for JIRA 4.1, for details on keeping your plugins compatible with JIRA 4.1.

Upgrading to JIRA 4.1 is free for all customers with active JIRA software maintenance as of April 7, 2010.

Highlights of JIRA 4.1:

Thank you for your feedback:

More than 33 new feature requests implemented
More than 658 votes fulfilled

Your votes and issues help us keep improving our products, and are much appreciated.


Upgrading to JIRA 4.1

JIRA 4.1 can be downloaded from the JIRA Download Center. Before upgrading, please refer to the JIRA 4.1 Upgrade Guide.

Highlights of JIRA 4.1


New-Look Issues

The 'View Issue' and 'Edit Issue' screens have been simplified and modernised:

See the documentation for details.



Improved Global Keyboard Shortcuts

JIRA now has improved global shortcuts to provide quick navigation around JIRA. You can now go directly to the dashboard from anywhere else in JIRA, simply by typing 'g' then 'd'. Type 'g' then 'p' to jump to the browse project page, or type 'c' to start creating an issue. You can find what other keyboard shortcuts are available by typing '?', to bring up the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box.

Screenshot: Keyboard Shortcuts Dialog Box

See the documentation for full details.

JIRA Plugin Developers:

This feature is implemented as a plugin, which will facilitate the addition of more keyboard shortcuts in future JIRA versions and iterations.



'Actions' Dropdown in Gadgets

You can now action issues directly from your JIRA dashboard:



'Bulk Move' Components and Versions

When performing a 'Bulk Move' of issues from one project to another, JIRA now allows mapping of old project values (for Components, Versions) to new values, using multiple edit controls and a simple name matching strategy to preselect the smart choice.

See the documentation for details.



New-look User Profile, 'Manage Dashboards' and 'Manage Filters'

User Profile

JIRA User Profile screens have been redesigned to show you more details about your personal information and preferences, and to make it easier to access other useful features associated with your account.

Screenshot: The New-Look User Profile Summary Screen

Please see the documentation for more details.

Manage Dashboards

The interface for the Manage Dashboards screens have been streamlined to blend in with the rest of the JIRA 4.1.

Screenshot: The New-Look Manage Dashboards Screen

Please see the documentation for more details.

Manage Filters

Like the Managed Dashboards screens, the interface of the Manage Filters screens have also been streamlined to blend in with the rest of the product.

Screenshot: The New-Look Manage Filters Screen

Please see the documentation for more details.



New JQL Functions 'lastLogin' and 'currentLogin', and Fields 'Voter' and 'Watcher'

Now you can do JQL searches based on your current session, e.g. find all issues that have been created since you last logged in to JIRA:

created > lastLogin()

You can also search for issues that you (or anyone else) are watching or have voted for:

voter in membersOf("jira-developers")

See the documentation for details.


List of Logged-In Users

Need to see who's currently using JIRA? Now you can take a look:



List of Upgrade History

Just for the record (and to assist with troubleshooting, etc), the System Info page now shows you a list of the upgrades that have been performed on your JIRA system.



Time Tracking now accepts Fractions

Ever wanted to enter 1.5 hours, instead of 90 minutes? Now you can.



Image Gallery

Each issue's attached images are now displayed for your convenience:

See the documentation for details.



Download Attachments as a ZIP

Another handy time-saver — simply click to download all of an issue's attachments as a single ZIP file:

See the documentation for details.



Customisable Email Subject

We are very pleased to announce that this much-requested feature is now a reality: you can now customise the subject of your JIRA-generated emails. See the documentation on Customizing Email Content for details.



'Heat Map' Gadget

Brand new gadget to show a heatmap of a key statistic in a bunch of issues:

For more details, please see Adding the Heat Map Gadget.



Database Configuration Tool

JIRA 4.1 ships with a new GUI application that that will help you set up and test your database connection.

For more details, please see the documentation on Connecting JIRA to a Database.



XSRF protection

JIRA now implements a 'form token checking' mechanism. This provides JIRA with the ability to validate the origin and intent of key browser requests, thus adding an additional level of security against cross-site request forgery (XSRF).

For details, please see the documentation on Form Token Handling.



Database Drivers Included

To save you time when installing or upgrading JIRA, we are now shipping database drivers for MySQL, Postgres and MSSQL. Oracle drivers will be included soon.


Other Enhancements and Fixes

  • The 'Malformed security token' error in JIRA dashboard gadgets was fixed – If a user logged in to JIRA and left the JIRA dashboard open for a period of time, gadgets on the Dashboard would generate a 'Malformed security token' error.



Plus over 80 other fixes and improvements

The top 50 most popular issues resolved in JIRA 4.1 are listed below. Click here for the full list.

key type summary priority status

Data cannot be retrieved due to an unexpected error.

View these issues in Jira

Last modified on Jul 24, 2012

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