Crowd 3.3 Beta Release Notes

5 September  2018


This is a beta version

Those versions are not feature complete and may contain bugs.


Not for Production

EAP releases should not be used in production environments as they are not officially supported.

Delegated group level administration 

In Crowd 3.3 beta as a system administrator you can assign users to be group-level administrators of other groups. These users will be able to manage these groups by adding and removing other users and groups from them.

Please note that to use Delegated Group Level Admin in Crowd you will need Crowd Data Center license. You can create your evaluation license for Crowd Data Center here

If you need any assistance with the Crowd Data Center installation you can follow our Getting started guide here 

Email notifications improvements

Crowd now supports email notifications about password expiration. When configuring internal directory you may define remind periods, which mean how many days before password expiration reminder will be send to user.

Multiple server alert addresses

Since version 3.3 beta, Crowd let you configure multiple server alert email addresses, so whenever some alert occur, every of these emails receive notification. 

Complete list of changes and improvements

Crowd 3.3.0 - 28 August 2018

T Key Summary

Known issues and limitations

T Key Summary

Last modified on Sep 5, 2018

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