Confluence 6.7 Release Notes

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Read the upgrade notes for important info about this release and see the full list of issues resolved.

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Mentioning people just got easier (and faster)

One of the best ways to keep communication flowing is to mention people in pages and comments, but mentioning the right person can be laborious in a large organization. 

Good news, user mentions just got smarter and faster! Type @ and we'll suggest the people you've mentioned previously first. Keep typing and we'll continue to suggest matching people. Here's some examples to illustrate the improvements. 

Cassie's working on a project with Harvey, so she's been mentioning him a lot. Cassie types @ and there's Harvey at the top, just after Cassie herself (because let's face it, we mention ourselves a lot too). 

Trinh wants to mention Emma on a planning page, so she starts typing @emm. Because Emma is not one of Trinh's recent mentions, but has previously edited this page, she's marked as a contributor, which makes her easier to spot in the list. 

Previously we suggested the people in your network first (people you're following, or who are following you), but the reality is that the people you want to mention will change based on what you're working on at the time. This is why we've chosen to prioritize the people you mention regularly over a static set of people that you follow.

Oh, and it's a LOT faster too.  

Confluence gets a fresh, new look

We're bringing a refreshed look and feel to many of our Server and Data Center products, and Confluence is the first cab off the rank. This work is based on the new Atlassian design and includes things like updated colors, typography, and icons. Take a look...

We've not made any changes to navigation - your favorite features will be just where you left them. If you're using a custom theme, or have customized your own look and feel, you may not see all of these changes. 

More goodness

Keeping your instance healthy

We're continuing to add health checks to warn you when something is awry with your site.  In this release we've added a check to warn you, after upgrading, if your database connection pool isn't adequate for the number of HTTP threads.  

YAML comes to the code block macro

The Code Block macro now includes syntax highlighting for YAML. 

Resolved issues

For full details of bugs fixed and suggestions resolved, head to JIRA.

Issues resolved in 6.7.0

Released on 30 January 2018

T Key Summary Status

Issues resolved in 6.7.1

Released on 12 February 2018

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Issues resolved in 6.7.2

Released on 05 March 2018

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Issues resolved in 6.7.3

Released on 02 May 2018

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Get ready to upgrade

Before you upgrade, check out the Upgrade Notes for important changes in this release, then follow the usual upgrade instructions to upgrade your site.


Our wonderful customers...

You play an important role in making Confluence better. Thanks to everyone who participated in interviews with us, made suggestions, voted, and reported bugs!

Last modified on Feb 7, 2018

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