Confluence 4.3.2 Release Notes

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15 October 2012

The Atlassian Confluence team is pleased to announce the release of Confluence 4.3.2. This release includes some nifty improvements and bug fixes:

Don't have Confluence 4.3 yet?

Take a look at the new features and other highlights in the Confluence 4.3 Release Notes.

Excerpt Include macro across spaces

The Excerpt Include macro can now include content from another space. When you type the name of the page into the Excerpt Include macro dialog, Confluence will offer a list of matching pages, including those from other spaces.

Alternatively, you can type the space key followed by a colon (:) and the page name, like this:

Ability to nest Expand macros

You can now put one Expand macro inside another, and Confluence will correctly show and hide the contents of all Expand macros, including the nested ones. Here is an example.

Click here to expand/collapse the text...

Choose the one you like.

For Latin lovers...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam fermentum vestibulum est. Cras rhoncus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed quis tortor. Donec non ipsum. Mauris condimentum, odio nec porta tristique, ante neque malesuada massa, in dignissim eros velit at tellus. Donec et risus in ligula eleifend consectetur. Donec volutpat eleifend augue. Integer gravida sodales leo. Nunc vehicula neque ac erat. Vivamus non nisl. Fusce ac magna. Suspendisse euismod libero eget mauris.

Ut ligula. Maecenas consequat. Aliquam placerat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla convallis. Ut quis tortor. Vestibulum a lectus at diam fermentum vehicula. Mauris sed turpis a nisl ultricies facilisis. Fusce ornare, mi vitae hendrerit eleifend, augue erat cursus nunc, a aliquam elit leo sed est. Donec eget sapien sit amet eros vehicula mollis. In sollicitudin libero in felis. Phasellus metus sem, pulvinar in, porta nec, faucibus in, ipsum. Nam a tellus. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Sed id velit ut orci feugiat tempus. Pellentesque accumsan augue at libero elementum vestibulum. Maecenas sit amet metus. Etiam molestie massa sed erat. Aenean tincidunt. Mauris id eros. Quisque eu ante. Fusce eu dolor. Aenean ultricies ante ut diam. Donec iaculis, pede eu aliquet lobortis, wisi est dignissim diam, ut fringilla eros magna a mi. Nulla vel lorem. Donec placerat, lectus quis molestie hendrerit, ante tortor pharetra risus, ac rutrum arcu odio eu tortor. In dapibus lacus nec ligula. Aenean vel metus. Nunc mattis lorem posuere felis. In vehicula tempus lacus. Phasellus arcu. Nam ut arcu. Duis eget elit id eros adipiscing dignissim.

For cheese lovers...

I like cheese!

More macros in Confluence mobile

We have made a large number of macros compatible with Confluence mobile. This means that many more macros will now work as expected when you access a page on your iPhone or iPad.

The following macros work in Confluence mobile:

Are you using the Zen Foundation theme? All the Zen macros work in Confluence mobile now too.

For plugin developers – making your macros work in Confluence mobile

Have you written a Confluence macro as a plugin? In Confluence 4.3.2 and later, you can make your macros work in Confluence mobile. For many macros there is little effort involved. Confluence mobile will render a macro if it contains a device type specification of "mobile". For more complex macros, you may need to convert the CSS and JavaScript too. Details are in this document: Making your macro render in Confluence mobile.

Release notices

Upgrading from a previous version of Confluence should be fairly straightforward. Please read the Confluence 4.3.2 Upgrade Notes. We strongly recommend that you back up your confluence.home directory and database before upgrading.

If your version of Confluence is earlier than 3.5.x, then you should upgrade to Confluence 3.5.x before upgrading to Confluence 4.3.x.

Updates and fixes in this release

T Key Summary P Status Resolution
Loading issues

Last modified on Mar 22, 2016

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