JIRA Service Desk 2.1 Release Notes

Release notes for earlier versions of Jira Service Management

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What's new

JIRA Service Desk 2.1 introduces new features to help agents work on issues more easily. In addition, navigation on the global portal has been improved as well.

Raise requests on behalf of your customers on the Customer Portal

Agents can now raise requests for customers on the Customer Portal with the new Raise this request on behalf of field. 

Only agents will see this field and they can see existing users who have access to the service desk when searching for customers. This means:

  • In a restricted service desk, all the users present on the customer list in the People tab are displayed.
  • In an open service desk, all the users in the system are shown.

Agents can see this field unless they do not have the Modify Reporter project permission. If you use the standard JIRA Service Desk permission scheme, agents already have this permission by default through the Service Desk Team role.

Note: This is available for

  • all purchases of JIRA Service Desk on or after September 10, 2014, and
  • customers who have moved to the new pricing model if the purchase was made before September 10, 2014.

Edit request types

Agents can now easily change the request type for Service Desk requests.

It is now also possible to change the request type for multiple requests when you bulk edit issues.

Improved navigation on the Customer Portal

The global portal now has breadcrumbs that help you navigate between requests and the portal more easily.

(The URL to the global portal is:


Fix list

See Issues resolved in JIRA Service Desk 2.1.

Upgrade information

JIRA Service Desk 2.1 is compatible with JIRA 6.3.8 or later. You'll need to upgrade JIRA to 6.3.8 or later before updating JIRA Service Desk to version 2.1. 

Last modified on Jan 5, 2019

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