Confluence 8.6 Upgrade Notes

Here are some important notes on upgrading to Confluence 8.6. For details of the new features and improvements in this release, see the Confluence 8.6 Release Notes.

Upgrade notes

End of support for Server licenses

Confluence 8.6.0 is a Data Center-only release and doesn't support Server licenses. With Atlassian Server end of support, you’ll need to ensure you have a valid Data Center license before upgrading to Confluence 8.6.

To update your license within the product:

  1. Go to Administration  > General Configuration > License Details

  2. Under 'Update license', enter your Data Center license key

  3. Select Save

Confluence 8.5.x Long Term Support release will continue to support Server licenses until February 15, 2024. Check out your options for upgrading

Faster permissions service enabled by default

Confluence 8.6 will have the faster permissions service enabled by default. The service delivers faster load times when Confluence must check permissions on a large number of pages – when loading a Task Report macro, Page Index macro, or the dashboard display when a person first logs in. This will benefit enterprises with large data sets and users.

The faster permissions service was originally shipped in Confluence 7.16 and disabled by default.

Configure the faster permissions service

New emoji audit logs

In Confluence 8.4, we enabled users to upload their own emojis (also known as custom emojis). We’ve since added audit logs for the following events so system admins easily search and track emoji-related activities on their instance:

  • Custom emoji upload enabled

  • Custom emoji upload disabled for users

  • Custom emoji uploaded

  • Custom emoji deleted by user

  • Custom emoji deleted by admin

See Audit Log Events in Confluence for more details about these and other audit logs.

Changes to Jira Issues Macro total count display

You can expect quicker load times when editing pages containing many Jira Issue macros set to display Total issues count. We've tweaked Jira Issues macro to cache the count when it's initially added to the editor, and again when it’s published, resulting in fewer calls made between Jira and Confluence.

To clear the cache and see the latest count within the editor, simply publish the page, then return to the editor. Refreshing the page in view mode will also clear the cached count.

This fix will be backported to Confluence 7.19.15 Long Term Support release. Learn more about this bug

Supported platform changes

Added support for PostgreSQL 15.

End of support announcements

There are no advance announcements for end of support.

Infrastructure changes 

Head to Preparing for Confluence 8.6 to find out more about changes under the hood. 

Known issues

If you encounter a problem during the upgrade and can't solve it, please create a support ticket and one of our support engineers will help you.

Upgrade procedure

Always test the upgrade in a test environment before upgrading in production.

To upgrade Confluence to the latest version:

  1. Go to Administration  > General Configuration > Plan your upgrade and select the version you want to upgrade to. This will run the pre-upgrade checks.
  2. Go to Administration  > General Configuration > Troubleshooting and support tools to check your license validity, application server, database setup, and more.
  3. If your version of Confluence is more than one version behind, read the release notes and upgrade guides  for all releases between your version and the latest version.
  4. Back up your installation directory, home directory, and database.
  5. Download the latest version of Confluence.
  6. Follow the instructions in the Upgrade Guide.

Update configuration files after upgrading

The contents of configuration files such as server.xml, web.xml , setenv.bat /, and change from time to time. 

When upgrading, we recommend manually reapplying any additions to these files (such as proxy configuration, datasource, JVM parameters) rather than simply overwriting the file with the file from your previous installation; otherwise you will miss out on any improvements we have made.

Last modified on Apr 3, 2024

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