Confluence 6.15.0-beta release notes


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Atlassian presents Confluence 6.15.0-rc1. This is a snapshot of our work in progress, primarily focused on providing app developers an opportunity to test their apps and make any required changes in advance of an official release.

Confluence 6.15.0-rc1 is available to download now.

Development releases are not production ready. Development releases are snapshots of the ongoing Confluence development process. While we try to keep these releases stable, they have not undergone the same degree of testing as a full release, and could contain features that are incomplete or may change or be removed before the next full release.

No upgrade path. Because development releases represent work in progress, we cannot provide a supported upgrade path between development releases, or from any development release to a final release. You may not be able to migrate any data you store in a Confluence development release to a future Confluence release.

Atlassian does not provide support for development releases.

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Highlights of 6.15.0-rc1

Released 6 March 2019

Copy a page and its restrictions

We've discovered some issues and decided to roll back the change that would copy page restrictions by default when you copy a single page. 

Changes to the Share a link blueprint

URLs must be added to Confluence's whitelist before they can be shared using the Share a link blueprint. This is to prevent people from accidentally or maliciously sharing links that may pose a security risk to your site.  

Highlights of 6.15.0-beta2

Released 27 February 2019

Narrow your search by space category

If you have a large Confluence site, space categories are a great way to group related spaces together, keeping them organised and easy to browse in the space directory.

Now, you can also use space categories as a search filter, allowing you to limit your results to a group of related spaces. Simply select the space category filter on the left-side of the search panel, start typing a keyword, then choose from the list of possible matches.

You can categorize spaces by team, department, office location, or even a particular subject area — whatever works for your organization. For example, if your Product Design department works on projects spread across multiple spaces, you could label each space with 'product-design' to create a department category.

Don't have any space categories yet? It's quick and easy to create them. Learn more

Attributing Cloud content to the right people

Previously, when you imported a space from Confluence Cloud, we used a person's username to reunite them with their pages, comments, and any other content.  Soon, Confluence Cloud will replace usernames with email addresses, which means we will only be able to match user accounts based on this email address.  

When importing a space, you can now choose to skip attributing content to matching user accounts, and instead attribute all content to 'unknown user'. 

To reduce the risk of making restricted pages visible to the wrong person, imported content will always be attributed to 'unknown user' if:

  • the email address is used by multiple user accounts (with different usernames)
  • the user account doesn't have an email address.

If your user directories are tightly managed, you can confidently choose to attribute content to existing users based on their email address when importing a space from Cloud.  But, if you allow people to change their email address in Confluence, you may prefer to skip this and attribute all content to 'unknown user', and then have an administrator manually update any permissions or restrictions. 

Import with confidence

We've also added some information to the Backup and Restore screen to help admins prevent common problems, such as accidentally kicking off a full site reindex during a peak time, or locking themselves out after a site import. The way export and import works hasn't changed, we've just updated the screen to make it easier to understand. 

Note about translations: the changes to this screen haven't been translated yet, so if you'd like to check it out, go Profile > Settings and change the language to to English UK to make sure you see all the changes.

Changes to wiki markup in search results

To speed up Confluence search, we no longer remove wiki markup from search results. If you're currently using a wiki markup macro on a page, the syntax may show up in search results snippets, for example: ||*Page owner*|[~jsmith] || 

This won't affect how markup appears anywhere else in Confluence — we'll still render it as rich text on the page.

Copy a page and its restrictions

When you copy a restricted page, we'll now copy its restrictions as well. This change is to prevent people inadvertently making private content visible to everyone. 

Don't want your new page to be restricted? No problem, click the padlock icon in the editor and remove the restrictions before you publish the page. 

Supported platforms changes

  • No changes planned for this release. 

Infrastructure changes

Head to Preparing for Confluence 6.15 to find out about changes that will impact app developers. 

Last modified on Mar 6, 2019

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