Application links version matrix

The page provides information about the version of the Application Links app (AppLinks) that is bundled with Atlassian products.

You can link between products that bundle different versions of the Application links app, except as indicated below.

Known incompatibilities

Atlassian Support has noted the following incompatibilities:

  • Products using AppLinks 9 or earlier may experience issues with creating links to products using AppLinks 10 or later. For more details, check out a workaround for the issue with application links.
  • Atlassian products using Tomcat 8.0.30+ integrated with another product using the Shared Access Layer (SAL) version 2.13 or below may face the problems described in the article Cannot retrieve link and provider entity when creating Application Link.
  • Products using AppLinks 4.1 or earlier can't be linked to products using AppLinks 5.0 or later.
  • Jira 4.4.5 using AppLinks 3.5 can't be linked to Confluence 5.6.6 using AppLinks 4.2. 
  • AppLinks 3.4 or earlier can't use Trusted Apps to link to products using AppLinks 3.5 or greater which have been patched in line with the following security advisories Bamboo | Confluence | Crucible | Jira | Stash.
  • Connecting Jira Data Center and Server to Atlassian Cloud products will require Jira versions with AppLinks 5.4.5 or higher.

AppLinks versions by product

The table below shows the version of the AppLinks app that is bundled with the listed versions of Atlassian Data Center and Server products.

Jump to Bamboo, Crowd, Crucible, Fisheye.

AppLinks 10.1.12

Confluence 9.3

Jira 10.5 platform

AppLinks 10.1.8

Bitbucket Data Center 9.5

Bitbucket Data Center 9.4

Jira 10.4 platform

AppLinks 10.1.6
Confluence 9.2

Jira 10.2 platform

Jira 10.3 platform

AppLinks 10.1.2
Confluence 9.1

AppLinks 10.0.16

Jira 10.1 platform

AppLinks 10.0.15

Bitbucket Data Center 9.3

Bitbucket Data Center 9.2

Confluence 9.0

Jira 9.17 platform

AppLinks 10.0.13Bitbucket Data Center 9.0

AppLinks 9.2.3

Jira Software 9.17 platform

Jira Software 9.16 platform

AppLinks 9.2.2Bitbucket Data Center 8.19

Confluence 8.9

Jira Software 9.15 platform
AppLinks 9.2.1

Confluence 8.8

AppLinks 9.1.6

Jira 9.14 platform
AppLinks 9.1.4

Bitbucket Data Center 8.18

Bitbucket Data Center 8.17

Bitbucket Data Center 8.16

Confluence 8.7

Confluence 8.6
Confluence 8.5

Jira 9.13 platform
AppLinks 9.1.1
Confluence 8.4
AppLinks 9.0.15

Jira 9.12 platform

Jira 9.11 platform

Jira 9.10 platform

AppLinks 9.0.14
Confluence 8.3
Confluence 8.2
Jira 9.9 platform
AppLinks 9.0.13

Bitbucket Data Center 8.15
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.14
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.13
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.12
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.11
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.10
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.9

Jira 9.8 platform

Jira 9.7 platform

AppLinks 9.0.10Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.8
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.7

AppLinks 9.0.8

Confluence 8.1
Confluence 8.0

Jira 9.6 platform
AppLinks 9.0.5

Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.6
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.5
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.4
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.3
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.2
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.1

Jira 9.5 platform

Jira 9.4 platform

Jira 9.3 platform

Jira 9.2 platform

Jira 9.1 platform

Jira 9.0 platform

AppLinks 9.0.1Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.0

AppLinks 8.2.2
Confluence 7.19
AppLinks 8.1.1
Confluence 7.20
AppLinks 8.1.0
Confluence 7.18 
Confluence 7.17

AppLinks 8.0.11Bitbucket Data Center and Server 7.21 
Bitbucket Data Center and Server 7.20 

Jira 8.22 platform
AppLinks 8.0.8

Jira 8.21 platform
AppLinks 8.0.7

Jira 8.20 platform

Jira 8.19 platform

AppLinks 8.0.4Bitbucket Server 7.19
Bitbucket Server 7.18
Bitbucket Server 7.17
Bitbucket Server 7.16
Bitbucket Server 7.15
Bitbucket Server 7.14
Bitbucket Server 7.13

AppLinks 8.0.2

Jira 8.18 platform

Jira 8.17 platform

AppLinks 8.0.0

Jira 8.16 platform

Jira 8.15 platform

Jira 8.14 platform

Jira 8.13 platform
Jira 8.12 platform

AppLinks 7.2.13
Confluence 7.16
Confluence 7.15 
Confluence 7.14
Confluence 7.13

AppLinks 7.2.9
Confluence 7.12
Confluence 7.11 Confluence 7.10
Confluence 7.9
Confluence 7.8
Confluence 7.7

AppLinks 7.2.0Bitbucket Server 7.12
Bitbucket Server 7.11

Bitbucket Server 7.10

Bitbucket Server 7.9

Bitbucket Server 7.8
Bitbucket Server 7.7
Bitbucket Server 7.6
Bitbucket Server 7.5

Bitbucket Server 7.4

Bitbucket Server 7.3

AppLinks 7.1.3

Jira 8.11 platform
AppLinks 7.1.0Bitbucket Server 7.2
Bitbucket Server 7.1

Bitbucket Server 7.0

Bitbucket Server 6.10

Bitbucket Server 6.9

Bitbucket Server 6.8

AppLinks 6.1.0Bitbucket Server 6.7
Bitbucket Server 6.6

AppLinks 6.0.24
Confluence 7.6
Confluence 7.5
Confluence 7.4

AppLinks 6.0.9
Confluence 7.3
Confluence 7.2
Confluence 7.1
Confluence 7.0

AppLinks 6.0.6Bitbucket Server 6.5
Bitbucket Server 6.4

AppLinks 6.0.5Bitbucket Server 6.3

AppLinks 6.0.4Bitbucket Server 6.2
Bitbucket Server 6.1

Jira 8.10 platform
Jira 8.9 platform
Jira 8.8 platform
Jira 8.7 platform
Jira 8.6 platform
Jira 8.5 platform
Jira 8.4 platform
Jira 8.3 platform
Jira 8.2 platform
Jira 8.1 platform
AppLinks 6.0.3

Jira 8.0 platform
AppLinks 6.0.2
AppLinks 5.4.12
AppLinks 5.4.7
AppLinks 5.4.6
AppLinks 5.4.5Jira 7.13 platform
Jira 7.12 platform
Jira 7.11 platform
AppLinks 5.4.4
AppLinks 5.4.3
AppLinks 5.4.2
AppLinks 5.4.1Jira 7.10 platform
JIRA 7.9 platform
JIRA 7.8 platform
JIRA 7.7 platform
JIRA 7.6 platform
JIRA 7.5 platform
AppLinks 5.4.0
AppLinks 5.3.2JIRA 7.4 platform
AppLinks 5.2.6N/A
AppLinks 5.2.4Bitbucket Server 4.14
Bitbucket Server 4.13

Bitbucket Server 4.12

Bitbucket Server 4.11

Confluence 6.0

JIRA 7.3 platform
AppLinks 5.2.3N/AN/AJIRA 7.2 platform
AppLinks 5.2.2Bitbucket Server 4.10
Bitbucket Server 4.9
Bitbucket Server 4.8
Bitbucket Server 4.7
Confluence 5.10 N/A
AppLinks 5.1.1Bitbucket Server 4.6N/A
AppLinks 5.0.10N/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 5.0.8N/AConfluence 5.9.9N/A
AppLinks 5.0.7N/AN/AJIRA 7.1 Core
JIRA 7.1 Software
AppLinks 5.0.5Bitbucket Server 4.5
Bitbucket Server 4.4
Bitbucket Server 4.3
Bitbucket Server 4.2
AppLinks 5.0.4N/AConfluence 5.9N/A
AppLinks 5.0.3N/AN/AJIRA 7.0 Core
JIRA 7.0 Software
AppLinks 5.0.1Bitbucket Server 4.1  
Bitbucket Server 4.0
AppLinks 5.0.0N/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 4.3Stash 3.11
Stash 3.10
Stash 3.9
Stash 3.8
Stash 3.7
Stash 3.6
Stash 3.5
Stash 3.4
Confluence 5.8JIRA 6.4.1
AppLinks 4.2Stash 3.3
Stash 3.2
Stash 3.1
Confluence 5.7
Confluence 5.6
JIRA 6.4
JIRA 6.3.3
JIRA 6.3
AppLinks 4.1Stash 3.0
Stash 2.12
Confluence 5.5JIRA 6.2
AppLinks 4.0Stash 2.11
Stash 2.10
Stash 2.9
Stash 2.8
Confluence 5.4
Confluence 5.3
Confluence 5.2
JIRA 6.1
AppLinks 3.11Stash 2.7
Stash 2.6
Stash 2.5
AppLinks 3.10Stash 2.4
Stash 2.3
Stash 2.2
Stash 2.1
Confluence 5.1 Confluence 5.0JIRA 5.2
AppLinks 3.9Stash 1.3  N/AN/A
AppLinks 3.8Stash 1.2Confluence 4.3 N/A
AppLinks 3.7Stash 1.0Confluence 4.2JIRA 5.1
AppLinks 3.6N/AConfluence 4.1JIRA 5.0
AppLinks 3.5N/AConfluence 4.0JIRA 4.4
AppLinks 3.4N/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 3.3N/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 3.2N/AConfluence 3.5JIRA 4.3

AppLinks 10.1.8

Bamboo 10.2

Bamboo 10.1

AppLinks 10.0.16

Crowd 6.2.3

Crowd 6.2.2

Crowd 6.2.0

Crowd 6.1.2

Crowd 6.1.3

Crowd 6.1.4

Crowd 6.0.6

Crowd 6.0.7

AppLinks 10.0.15Bamboo 10.0

Crowd 6.1.1

Crowd 6.1.0

Crowd 6.0.3

Crowd 6.0.2

AppLinks 10.0.10

Crowd 6.0.1
Crowd 6.0.0

AppLinks 9.2.4Bamboo 9.6

Crowd 5.3.4
Crowd 5.3.3
Crowd 5.3.2

AppLinks 9.2.1

Crowd 5.3.1
Crowd 5.3.0

AppLinks 9.1.8

Crowd 5.2.8
Crowd 5.2.7
Crowd 5.2.7
Crowd 5.2.6

AppLinks 9.1.5Bamboo 9.5

AppLinks 9.1.4

Crowd 5.2.4

Crowd 5.2.3

Crowd 5.2.2

AppLinks 9.0.17
Crowd 5.1.12
Crowd 5.1.11

AppLinks 9.0.15Bamboo 9.4

Crowd 5.2.1

Crowd 5.2.0

Crowd 5.1.9

Crowd 5.1.8

Crowd 5.1.7

Crowd 5.1.6

Crowd 5.1.5

Crowd 5.1.4

Crowd 5.1.3

Crowd 5.0.11

Crowd 5.0.10

Crowd 5.0.9

Crowd 5.0.8

Crowd 5.0.7

Crowd 5.0.6

AppLinks 9.0.11Bamboo 9.3

Bamboo 9.2

AppLinks 9.0.10Bamboo 9.1

AppLinks 9.0.7Bamboo 9.0

AppLinks 9.0.5

Crowd 5.1.2

Crowd 5.1.1

Crowd 5.1.0

Crowd 5.0.5

Crowd 5.0.4

Crowd 5.0.3

Crowd 5.0.2

Crowd 5.0.1

AppLinks 9.0.0
Crowd 5.0

AppLinks 7.2.11Bamboo 8.2

Bamboo 8.1

Bamboo 8.0

AppLinks 6.1.12

Crowd 4.4.6

Crowd 4.4.5

Crowd 4.4.4
Crowd 4.4.3

Crowd 4.4.2

Crowd 4.3.11
Crowd 4.3.10
Crowd 4.3.9
Crowd 4.3.8

AppLinks 6.1.10
Crowd 4.4

AppLinks 6.0.16Bamboo 7.2

AppLinks 6.0.11Bamboo 7.1
Bamboo 7.0

AppLinks 6.0.5
Crowd 4.2
Crowd 4.1
Crowd 4.0

AppLinks 5.4.15Bamboo 6.10
Bamboo 6.9

AppLinks 5.4.14
Crowd 3.7
Crowd 3.6
Crowd 3.5

AppLinks 5.4.13Bamboo 6.8.2Crowd 3.4.4
Crowd 3.3.5

AppLinks 5.4.12Bamboo 6.8.0Crowd 3.4.3Crucible 4.7Fisheye 4.7
AppLinks 5.4.7Bamboo 6.7

AppLinks 5.4.6

AppLinks 5.4.5Bamboo 6.6

AppLinks 5.4.4Bamboo 6.5

AppLinks 5.4.3Bamboo 6.4
Crucible 4.6Fisheye 4.6
AppLinks 5.4.2

AppLinks 5.4.1

Bamboo 6.2
Bamboo 6.3

Crucible 4.5Fisheye 4.5
AppLinks 5.4.0N/A

AppLinks 5.3.2N/A

AppLinks 5.2.6N/A Crowd 2.12Crucible 4.4Fisheye 4.4
AppLinks 5.2.4N/A Crowd 2.11

Crucible 4.3
Crucible 4.2.1+

Fisheye 4.3
Fisheye 4.2.1+

AppLinks 5.2.3N/A N/ACrucible 4.2Fisheye 4.2
AppLinks 5.2.2N/A N/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 5.1.1N/AN/ACrucible 4.1Fisheye 4.1
AppLinks 5.0.10

Bamboo 6.1
Bamboo 6.0
Bamboo 5.15

AppLinks 5.0.8Bamboo 5.14  N/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 5.0.7

Bamboo 5.13
Bamboo 5.12  
Bamboo 5.11  

 N/ACrucible 4.0Fisheye 4.0
AppLinks 5.0.5N/A N/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 5.0.4N/A N/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 5.0.3Bamboo 5.10 N/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 5.0.1N/A N/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 5.0.0N/ACrowd 2.10
Crowd 2.9

AppLinks 4.3N/AN/ACrucible 3.10
Crucible 3.9
Crucible 3.8

Crucible 3.7
Crucible 3.6

Fisheye 3.10
Fisheye 3.9
Fisheye 3.8

Fisheye 3.7
Fisheye 3.6

AppLinks 4.2N/AN/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 4.1

Bamboo 5.9
Bamboo 5.8
Bamboo 5.7

Crowd 2.8Crucible 3.5Fisheye 3.5
AppLinks 4.0

Bamboo 5.6
Bamboo 5.5
Bamboo 5.4
Bamboo 5.3
Bamboo 5.2
Bamboo 5.1

 Crowd 2.7

Crucible 3.4   Crucible 3.3
Crucible 3.2

Fisheye 3.4  
Fisheye 3.3
Fisheye 3.2

AppLinks 3.11N/A N/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 3.10

Bamboo 5.0
Bamboo 4.4
Bamboo 4.3


Crucible 3.1
Crucible 3.0

Fisheye 3.1
Fisheye 3.0

AppLinks 3.9N/A N/A

Crucible 2.10
Crucible 2.8
Crucible 2.7

Fisheye 2.10
Fisheye 2.8
Fisheye 2.7

AppLinks 3.8N/A N/AN/AN/A
AppLinks 3.7

Bamboo 4.2
Bamboo 4.1

Bamboo 4.0

AppLinks 3.6Bamboo 3.3 N/AN/AN/A

AppLinks 3.5

Bamboo 3.2


AppLinks 3.4

Bamboo 3.1


Crucible 2.6

Fisheye 2.6

AppLinks 3.3



AppLinks 3.2



Crucible 2.5
Crucible 2.4

Fisheye 2.5
Fisheye 2.4

Last modified on Mar 12, 2025

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